Закажите разработку индивидуального дизайна европодвесов, держателей для пакетов - наши дизайнеры подготовят профессиональный макет, максимально отвечающий вашим требованиям.

Printing of European weights for packaging
Euroweights, cardboard holders for packages, headers are the most profitable and easiest way to pack small goods or bulk products. On the European suspension, you can place the necessary information (name, logo, composition, contact details), while your product will be perfectly visible in a transparent plastic bag. A cardboard euroweight with a package is often used in supermarkets, grocery, hardware and other stores. Bags with cardboard label holders are perfect for packing handmade jewelry, small farm products, cosmetics and soap, and other piece goods. Packages with European weights, headers are very convenient for compact placement of goods on shelves.

Order European suspension, tag holders
It is easy to order the printing of euroweights, packaging holders, headers on our website: send your layout or order the production of a professional design - send the information that needs to be placed on the euroweave, logo, dimensions. Our employee will contact you within 3 business hours. Information about prices, discounts and deadlines of the order can be obtained by phone +375 17 3 290 290 .