Наши профессиональные дизайнеры подберут картинку для печати на стекле, которая наилучшим образом подходит для вашего интерьера, а также подготовят макет к печати.
Order printing on glass
Printing on glass in the Pencil printing center is done by UV printing. The image applied in this way retains the saturation of colors for many years, is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. UV printing on glass is great for implementing almost any interior design ideas. Photo printing on glass is used for the decoration of doors, shower partitions, furniture panels, cabinet doors, as well as countertops and kitchen aprons. We carry out printing on the customer's glass. The surface of the glass should be flat and even. The maximum print size of one item is 45 x 32 cm.
Prices, discounts, deadlines
You can get information about prices, deadlines for the order for printing on glass by phone +375 17 3 290 290 .