Design #06891
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Prices are indicated for printing from a ready-made layout. Delivery in Belarus from 75 rubles for free.

Центры обслуживания, самовывоз
Ул. Гикало, 3
Ул. Б. Хмельницкого, 7
Площадь Независимости
(ТЦ "Столица")
Курьер Карандаш
17,00 руб или бесплатно от 400 руб.
Минск и Беларусь
16,00р. или бесплатно от 100р.
Минск и Беларусь
8,00р. или бесплатно от 100р.
Минск и Беларусь
18,00р. или бесплатно от 400р.
Минск и Минский р-н
тарифы Яндекс.Go
Грузовое такси
Минск и Минский р-н
48,00р. или бесплатно от 1000р.
Безопасная оплата
  • Картой или ЕРИП
  • Безналичный расчет
  • При получении в Карандаш или Белпочта
Нужна помощь по макету?

It is easy to change text, photos, and pictures in the design. It is convenient to edit and visualize your ideas.
You can order from your smartphone, while the full functionality is available from your computer.
Other materials and sizes are available when ordering from Service Centers.


, self-Adhesive, glossy film, inkjet printing
Glossy film emphasizes the saturation and brightness of the image. Suitable for use outdoors and indoors.

Bright, resistant to external influences image of the ink jet is achieved through the use of liquid inks with environmentally friendly solvent. The paint is securely absorbed into the top layer of self-adhesive film.
Self-adhesive paper, laser printing
Matte paper with an adhesive layer on the back. It is recommended to use indoors.

High-quality laser printing and resistance to external influences is achieved through technology: the image is formed using lasers. Dry powder (toner) is applied to paper and cauterized at high temperature. Digital laser printing.
self Adhesive matte film, inkjet printing
Matte film does not glare when you use less of noticeable scratches and fingerprints. Suitable for use outdoors and indoors.

Bright, resistant to external influences image of the ink jet is achieved through the use of liquid inks with environmentally friendly solvent. The paint is securely absorbed into the top layer of self-adhesive film.
self Adhesive matte film, inkjet printing
Matte film does not glare when you use less of noticeable scratches and fingerprints. Suitable for use outdoors and indoors. High density 100 µm simplifies the process of pasting.

High quality laser printing, resistance to external influences is achieved through technology: the image is formed using lasers. Dry powder (toner) is applied to the paper and prizhivaetsya at high temperature.

Contour cutting

, contour Cutting
Cut stickers contour (plotter cutting) without cutting through the substrate

Cutting after printing

Cutting after printing
Each sticker is cut individually (through substrate cutting rectangles/squares)


the Sticker is covered with a transparent film of 80 microns (laser 30 microns - adhesive properties of the sticker may deteriorate), which protects from external influences.

Remove excess

Remove the extra
to Remove the material between the stickers
Stickers, labels are round White marble with gold

Book stickers, labels are round White marble with gold for your occasion:

Make your wedding special - Stickers, labels are round for a wedding for newlyweds, parents and guests Personalized professional wedding layouts for preparing a wedding in a single style. {Productname3} with print - this day will be special.
Stickers, labels are round round shape or rounded corners Order a stickers, labels are round of a unique shape

Also in the collection White marble with gold (46)
Наклейки, стикеры White marble with gold
Наклейки, стикеры
Наклейки, этикетки На зип-лок, дой-пак, крафт пакетики White marble with gold
наклейки, этикетки На зип-лок, дой-пак, крафт пакетики
Наклейки, стикеры White marble with gold
Наклейки, стикеры
Наклейки, этикетки прямоугольные  White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки прямоугольные
Наклейки, этикетки На зип-лок, дой-пак, крафт пакетики White marble with gold
наклейки, этикетки На зип-лок, дой-пак, крафт пакетики
Наклейки, стикеры White marble with gold
Наклейки, стикеры
Наклейки, этикетки на коробки White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки на коробки
Наклейки, этикетки на пакеты White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки на пакеты
Наклейки А3, А4, А5, А6 White marble with gold
Наклейки А3, А4, А5, А6
Ярлыки, бирки White marble with gold
Ярлыки, бирки
Меню без сложения, в один лист White marble with gold
Меню без сложения, в один лист
Меню-вкладыши, дополнительные листы для меню White marble with gold
Меню-вкладыши, дополнительные листы для меню
Меню на дизайнерской бумаге маджестик White marble with gold
Меню на дизайнерской бумаге маджестик
Меню на текстурной бумаге White marble with gold
Меню на текстурной бумаге
Меню ламинированное White marble with gold
Меню ламинированное
Меню на пластике, пластиковой бумаге White marble with gold
Меню на пластике, пластиковой бумаге
Меню бизнес-ланч, обеденное меню White marble with gold
Меню бизнес-ланч, обеденное меню
Алкогольное меню, винная карта, коктейльная карта White marble with gold
Алкогольное меню, винная карта, коктейльная карта
Чайное меню, кофейная карта White marble with gold
Чайное меню, кофейная карта
Детское меню White marble with gold
Детское меню
Меню стандартное цветное White marble with gold
Меню стандартное цветное
Miniature boxes, Bonbonnieres White marble with gold
Коробки миниатюрные, Бонбоньерки
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на бутылки White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на бутылки
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на шампанское White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на шампанское
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на вино White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на вино
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на водку White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на водку
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на коньяк White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на коньяк
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на настойки, ликеры White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки самоклеящиеся на настойки, ликеры
Наклейки, этикетки на бутылки создать в онлайн конструкторе White marble with gold
Наклейки, этикетки на бутылки создать в онлайн конструкторе
План рассадки гостей White marble with gold
План рассадки гостей
Номера столов White marble with gold
Номера столов
Карточки рассадки гостей White marble with gold
Карточки рассадки гостей
Пригласительные White marble with gold
Открытки двухсторонние стандартные White marble with gold
Открытки двухсторонние стандартные
Открытки офсетные White marble with gold
Открытки офсетные
Открытки ламинированные White marble with gold
Открытки ламинированные
Открытки дизайнерские White marble with gold
Открытки дизайнерские
Открытки на картоне, плотной бумаге White marble with gold
Открытки на картоне, плотной бумаге
Открытки супербархатные White marble with gold
Открытки супербархатные
Открытки текстурированные White marble with gold
Открытки текстурированные
Открытки почтовые, для посткроссинга White marble with gold
Открытки почтовые, для посткроссинга
Блокноты White marble with gold
Notebooks, sketchbooks White marble with gold
Тетради, скетчбуки
star star star star star
Once again, I would like to thank designer Tatiana.: I enjoyed working with you, you are a great team player - you set up quickly, listen to the client very sensitively, quickly implement the client's ideas and offer high-quality, aesthetic and logical improvements. For that hour, you were like a part of my thoughts, something I've rarely seen. Thank you so much for this approach to our cooperation. I really hope the management will mark your approach to work as a motivating and pleasant bonus. I have been working with staff for many years, I know what approaches different people have, and your approach is a valuable gift for any company.
Elitevrostroy-Plus, Elena
star star star star star
I made an order for the printing of polaroid cards No.FZ368823 I took it away and everything is as always at the highest level! It's not the first time I've ordered, everything is fine. I will definitely contact you again in the future! The quality of the photos and the end result are very pleasing.
Daria Pogranovskaya.
star star star star star
Thank you so much for your excellent cooperation! I placed an order for printing 26 textbooks on 07.10.2024, and on 09.10.2024 the printed books have already arrived in Borisov. I am very pleased with the printing, high-quality paper, bright colors, and beautiful decoration.
Diana Mironova.
About design
Great design
About Product
I recommend it!
About print
10 out of 10
About delivery
Fast delivery, top-level service.
star star star star star
we constantly order offset, everything will be fine. Cashless payment, delivery
star star star star star
Thank you so much for the high-quality and beautiful photo! I was very satisfied, and from now on I will order only from Pencil.
Svetlana Kotovskaya.
About design
Everything is great!
About Product
I am very pleased that I used your services.
About print
About delivery
Production and delivery in a short time.
star star star star star
It is a pleasure to work with the masters of their craft. The order was accepted for printing in less than a day, it was ready in 3-4 hours, the order was large, there were a lot of photos, the paper quality was excellent, the print quality was excellent, packed in a large box and received the order in 2 days. The price is pleasant. I recommend this printing center. Well done. Thanks
Svetlana Reut.
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About delivery
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