The main wealth of the company's "Pencil" is the people who are here work. We are proud of the professionalism of our employees, strive to provide an opportunity for every young professional to learn on their own, and make a valuable contribution to the intellectual base the knowledge and experience that we cherish, Supplement and daily use.

Competence and professionalism

Персонал печатный центр Карандаш"Pencil" – it is the largest printing center, which gained its status due to the competent employees. We are proud of the high level of computer and communicative knowledge of our employees and encourage mastery to combine several cases and specialties at the same time for maintenance customers.

Energy and desire to learn

Staff the company's "Pencil" is vigorous, active, patient and open people who are willing to the solution of compound multi-level problems customers. Integrity, honesty, passion for new technologies and self-improvement unites our team and making it democratic, effective and modern.

Client focus

Фокус на клиента
Orientation in the opinion of the client, the ability to listen and solve the customer's problem. We believe that customer centricity in the Pencil starts with each a specific employee, because they communicate with customers and create solutions for their orders. We appreciate that our employees strive each the client to provide a high level of service and make it satisfied with the result of the order.
Most of the standard situations interaction with customers and equipment described and documented, which makes business processes efficient, allowing respond to requests quickly and efficiently.
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